Jack Kemp, former Secretary of the Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) has cancer according to news reports.
Kemp, 73, was HUD secretary for former President George H.W.Bush from 1989 to 1993 after serving 18 years in the House of Representatives representing the Buffalo area. Kemp played professional football for 13 years where he won two championships as quarterback for the Buffalo Bills in the American Football League (AFL). Kemp was also former Senator Robert Dole’s vice presidential nominee during their failed attempt to capture the White Housing in 1996.
No announcement was made on the form of cancer he is battling or when treatment will begin.
HUD Nominee Hearing Set
Shaun Donovan , President-Elect Barack Obama’s choice as Secretary-Designate for the Department of Housing and Urban Development, is scheduled to appear January 13 before the Senate Committee on Banking, Housing and Urban Affairs. The committee and ultimately the full Senate must approve Donovan’s nomination. Chaired by Senator Chris Dodd (D-CT), the committee, and eventually the entire Senate, is expected to approve Donovan’s nomination.
Houston Housing Authority Receives S&P Rating
The Houston Housing Authority received the second highest rating issued by Standard and Poor’s Credit Rating, “AA”. The rating is reflective of the overall strong management, large waiting list and ability to leverage its resources.
The following factors were reflective of the score:
A well-developed strategic plan with clear goals and objectives;
The agency’s ability to make the most of its resources
The agency’s ability to modernize a majority of its developments over the last 14 years;
The agency’s investment in technological systems which can reduce overhead in the future; and,
The agency’s ability to leverage resources and develop partnerships to revitalize its communities with funds supplemented with equity investments.
Adversely affecting the rating is the agency’s heavy reliance on federal funds which have been reduced over the years.
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Thank you for sharing - I did not know this.
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Rod Colon
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