The Community Development Financial Institution (CDFI) Fund is hosting separate conference calls for those seeking to apply for the supplemental fiscal year (FY) 2009 funding round of the CDFI and NACA Programs. These calls are tailored to the applying entities and their familiarity with the application process.
There are two calls to be held April 28. The times and subject matter is as follows:
• 1:00 p.m. EST for those CDFIs which are loan funds and/or serve rural communities.
• 3:00 p.m. for those CDFIs which are banks, credit unions, and community development venture capital funds.
The final call will be held April 30 at 3:00 p.m. EST for Native CDFIs. (A call was held on April 23rd for those CDFIs with limited experience applying to the CDFI Program).
CDFI Program staff will discuss the differences between the supplemental FY 2009 funding round and the initial funding round, and be available to answer questions.
These are the dial-in instructions:
• Dial (202) 927-2255 and follow the voice prompts;
• At the voice prompt, enter the Conference Code 952112 and press the "#" key;
• Callers will be connected to the conference if your Conference Code is correct; and if disconnected for any reason, you can re-dial (202) 927-2255 and re-enter the Conference Code 952112.
Marquez Nominated to Head CPD at HUD
Mercedes Marquez, General Manager of the City of Los Angeles Housing Department (LAHD), has been nominated by President Obama to be the Assistant Secretary for Community Planning and Development (CPD) for the Department of Housing and Urban Development.
Marquez will be responsible for overseeing the department’s community development block grant programs including the Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) program and the Home Investment Partnerships (HOME) program, in addition to homeless assistance programs. Marquez previously served at HUD as Senior Counsel to the Secretary and Deputy General Counsel for Civil Rights and Fair Housing at HUD.
Finding Community Solutions Focus of June Conference
The National Housing Conference and the Center for Housing Policy will hold a conference in June for individuals seeking policy solutions to issues affecting their communities.
The conference, entitled Solutions for Working Families: 2009 Learning Conference on State and Local Housing Policy, will held in Chicago June 28-30. The conference is expected to include sessions for housing policy veterans and newcomers, presentations tailored to state- and local-level policy issues, and facilitated discussions and roundtables to help you connect with peers.
Among the speakers include two former HUD Secretaries, Henry Cisneros, executive chairman of CityView, and Jack Kemp, founder and chairman of Kemp Partners and a former Congressman.
The complete agenda is available online.
NOFA Issued for FY 2009 CDFI Funds
The Community Development Financial Institutions (CDFI) Fund has issued Notices of Funds Availability (NOFAs) for supplemental FY 2009 funding rounds of its CDFI Program and Native American CDFI Assistance (NACA) Program. A total of $63 million in FA awards will be made - $55 million under the FY 2009 supplemental funding round of the CDFI Program and $8 million under the FY 2009 supplemental funding Round of the NACA Program.
The application deadline for the supplemental funding round of the FY 2009 CDFI Program and the FY 2009 NACA Program is 5:00 p.m. Eastern Time on Wednesday, May 27, 2009.
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