The House and Senate is expected to conference on a FY 2010 appropriations bill in September after the House approved its version of the spending bill before adjourning for the August recess. The Senate is expected to take up its spending bill in September. The two chambers will conference before a final bill is submitted to the president for his signature.
There are slight differences in each bill:
1. Community Development Block Grants (CDBG): The House provides $4.6 billion for the CDBG program while the Senate provides $4 billion.
2. HOME Program: The House provides $2 billion for HOME while the Senate provides $1.8 billion.
3. Public Housing Operating Fund: The House provides $4.8 billion and the Senate $4.75 billion.
4. Public Housing Capital Fund: The House and Senate both provide $2.5 billion.
5. Voucher Renewals: Both bills provide $16.3 billion to renew existing vouchers.
6. HOPE VI: The House provides $250 million for the HOPE VI program while the Senate provides $250 million for the president’s proposed Choice Neighborhood Initiatives.
Conferencing both bills is not expected to be contentious.
Urban Institute Releases New Paper on Governments Role in Building Neighborhoods and Schools
The Urban Institute released a paper in July entitled, Vibrant Neighborhoods, Successful Schools: What the Federal Government Can Do to Foster Both, authored by Margery Austin Turner and Alan Berube.
This paper focuses on four principles which affect the performance of schools and the communities where they are located. The four principles are:
1. Low-income children benefit from the resources and learning environment available at schools that also serve middle- and higher-income families.
2. Even in settings where most students are poor, schools can succeed with the right resources and accountability.
3. Kids perform better in school if they don't change schools frequently, and schools perform better when they have lower turnover.
4. Kids do better in school when they are healthy, well-nourished, and arrive at school ready to learn.
Comments on New Market Tax Credits Sought
The U.S. Department of Treasury is seeking comments on the New Markets Tax Credit Program (NMTC) Allocation Application. The deadline for comments is October 2, 2009. Click here to more information.
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