Leading up to the election, AVIEWFROMDC will provide its readers with some articles of interest about the election:
2010 Election
GOP poised to win redistricting supremacy, too
Down-ticket races could dilute Democrats' influence for next 10 years
By Jennifer C. Kerr
The Associated Press
The stimulus worked — but for which party?
'The failed stimulus' has become a Republican mantra this election season
By Tom Curry
MSNBC National affairs writer
Election Day could bring historic split: Democrats lose House, keep Senate
By Karen Tumulty
The Washington Post
Tea Party Already Shapes '12 Race
By Peter Wallsten
The Wall Street Journal
Gauging the scope of the tea party movement in America
By Amy Gardner
The Washington Post
Tea party groups say media has been fair, poll shows
By Amy Gardner
The Washington Post
Yes, They Can
By Charles Dharapak
Associated Press
In Nevada, it's can't live with Harry Reid and can't live without him
By Shailagh Murray
The Washington Post
Pro-Republican Groups Prepare Big Push at End of Races
By Jim Rutenberg
The New York Times
The rise, fall and rise of John Boehner
By Paul Kane
The Washington Post
Post 2010 Election
Can GOP leaders keep the peace?
By Jake Sherman
2012: How Sarah Barracuda Becomes President
Why do you think Barack Obama is being so nice to Michael Bloomberg?
By John Heilemann
New York Magazine
Obama’s Playbook After Nov. 2
By Sheryl Gaystolerb
The New York Times
Q&A With Newt Gingrich
By Peter Wallsten
The Wall Street Journal
Group Plans to Keep Pressure on Newly Elected Conservatives
By Jennifer Levitz and Douglas A. Blackmon
The New York Times
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